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Congressman Pat Fallon Introduces Legislation to Address Chinese Ports in the Western Hemisphere

Earlier today, Congressman Pat Fallon (TX-04) and Congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar (FL-27) introduced legislation requiring a report on the capability of Chinese ports in the Western Hemisphere. 

This bill will require the Director of National Intelligence, in conjunction with the Secretary of State and Secretary of Defense, to deliver a report to appropriate Congressional committees within 180 days of the enactment of this bill. The report must include:

1. An identification of any port located in the Western Hemisphere under control of the Government of the People's Republic of China; and

2. An assessment of the military capability of these ports and any implications this could have for the United States.

Congressman Fallon issued the following statement: 

“China is constructing and operating port infrastructure all over the Western Hemisphere. This is deeply concerning. They are also reportedly building missile launch systems designed to be deployed from shipping containers. We cannot allow this to continue. Congress must know exactly how China plans to leverage their port infrastructure against the United States. This bill is a crucial step in securing our homeland from Chinese military encroachment.”

Congresswoman Salazar added:

“China has started infiltrating ports across Latin America through predatory lending schemes that harm countries and put key national infrastructure at risk. In Peru, China has already begun building at the Port at Chancay, against significant opposition from Peruvian citizens,” said Congresswoman Salazar. “China’s blatant disregard of environmental concerns and human rights, along with their goal of international military and financial control, means that the U.S. must investigate the real reasons behind their race to own the world’s supply chains. The United States will be safer because we are working to ensure that China cannot put naval bases near American shores.”