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Congressman Pat Fallon Leads Letter Concerning Federal Agencies to Chairwoman Maloney

Today, Oversight and Reform Committee Member Congressman Pat Fallon (TX-04) sent a letter to Chairwoman Maloney requesting a hearing on the reopening of physical locations of certain United States Federal Agencies.

“The CDC does not recommend a continued shut down of in-person services, yet thousands of our federal agency offices remain closed severely limiting services thereby causing excessive delays. Our constituents bear a massive burden due to the inability to access the help they need in a timely manner. The Oversight and Reform Committee must hold a hearing on the operational capacity and full reopening of agency physical locations, including satellite offices and provide timely services to the taxpayers who support their very existence. Our federal agencies are neglecting Americans and must be held accountable,” said Congressman Pat Fallon.

“Across the country, people are going back to work and it’s time for the federal government to do the same. The needs of everyday Americans continue to be neglected due to reduced operations at federal agencies. COVID safety guidelines for the federal workforce and their operations are clear and do not recommend a shutdown of in-person services or encourage any continued lockdowns. I’m happy to join Congressman Fallon in calling on Committee Democrats to convene an immediate hearing on the operational capacity of United States federal agencies. It’s critical we conduct oversight of their ability to process requests of Americans in a timely and efficient manner,” said Ranking Member James Comer (KY-01).

“My constituents have been telling me for months that they cannot get help to resolve issues they are having with federal agencies, including their social security benefits.  It is long past time for all federal agencies to fully open so that Americans all across the country are able to conduct their business in a timely manner. Congress has a responsibility to investigate,” said Congressman Paul Gosar (AZ-04).

“The backlog created from the sustained shut down of in-person operations is a disservice to the American people. While our country recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, federal agencies should be operating in a normal capacity. Often times, Medicare, Social Security, and Veterans Affairs provide life changing services to those who need them. To not be fully staffed and operational is placing an unnecessary burden on those same people. I am proud join Congressman Fallon in this effort, and I look forward to Chairwoman Maloney’s response. Americans deserve to know why their government is not appropriately serving them,” – said Congressman Ralph Norman (SC-05).

“Our offices have been inundated with calls from people across central and northeastern Pennsylvania who have been unable to access basic services their tax dollars pay for because federal agencies are not operating in-person or at full capacity. Most egregiously, we have American veterans who have been waiting prolonged periods for service records they need for treatment and benefits they earned through their service. This is wrong and completely avoidable. I’m proud to join my colleagues in calling on Oversight Committee Chairwoman Maloney to take immediate action to get the federal government back in the business of serving the American people,” said Congressman Fred Keller (PA-12).

“It is within the bounds of the Oversight Committee to investigate the delayed reopening of federal agencies. The American people are paying for services that are either unable to operate fully or conduct business with limited access and availability. Americans are facing severe delays that are impeding upon everyday life and plans for the future. We must move forward with a game plan that will provide our nation with services in a timely manner while adhering to science and common sense practices,” said Congressman Pete Sessions (TX-17).
