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Congressman Pat Fallon Addresses Tragedy in Afghanistan and Calls for House to Return to Session

Today, House Armed Services Committee Member Congressman Pat Fallon (TX-04) issued a statement on the American troop withdrawal in Afghanistan.

“Yesterday was a tough day. A day that should have and could have been prevented. A day that marked the greatest single loss of life our American military has suffered in ten years. 

At this point we need to be fair, and absolutely clear. There is strong evidence that points to the fact that this would almost assuredly played out differently under a Trump Administration. Once an agreement was reached, we did not lose a single American for over a year and a half. The Biden Presidency has more than doubled our boots on the ground and is directly responsible for the death of at least 13 service members.

What we have witnessed in the last two months is not a failure of intelligence, it is a failure to acknowledge the intelligence and take action. The Afghanistan catastrophe and the subsequent loss of life, equipment, and prestige is the definition of failed leadership. 

Now Biden has allowed the arbitrary August 31st deadline to become a Taliban ‘red line’? When did the United States start allowing thugs to decide American foreign policy? With 13 new gold star families, thousands of Americans and Afghans in harm’s way, $85 billion in equipment left behind, and every military and intelligence advisor and expert agreeing we CANNOT evacuate all Americans who want to leave by the deadline, Biden is still insisting on leaving in a few days. 

13 Americans are dead, more wounded, scores of the innocent slaughtered and chaos reigns.

I call on Nancy Pelosi to immediately bring the House back into session. We are a co-equal branch of government, and we must demand answers from this administration. All members of Congress should be briefed on the current situation, and all questions from members should be answered. We cannot have an entire branch of government in the dark on what is truly taking place in Afghanistan. We must have answers to make sure this never happens again.

Please join me in keeping our brave warriors in your thoughts, hearts, and prayers. They gave everything, and we owe it to them to give our all to complete the mission. Rest In Peace Heroes,” said Congressman Pat Fallon.
