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Congressmen Pat Fallon & Jim Himes Introduce Container Missile Notification Act

Earlier today, Congressmen Pat Fallon (TX-04) and Jim Himes (CT-04) introduced the Container Missile Notification Act. Right now, federal law requires that Congress is notified when Russia deploys or transfers of Club-K container missile systems. This legislation would amend The Intelligence Authorization Act for FY16 to require the federal government to provide the same notifications for China, Iran, and North Korea. 

Representative Fallon issued the following statement:

“Adversarial nations’ development of container missiles systems poses a new challenge for the United States. As China and Iran expand both militarily and diplomatically, we must adapt and counter their attempts to leverage deceptive offensive platforms to threaten the United States and our allies. Expanding notification for the deployment and/or transfer of container missile systems to include China, Iran, and North Korea is a great first step towards this overall effort. 

The possible adaptation of China’s YJ-18 cruise missile and Iran’s Fateh-110 ballistic missile into containerized platforms makes this update crucial and timely. I’m proud to work with my colleague, Rep. Jim Himes, in updating this statute and improving American missile defense.”

Representative Himes added:

“With global tensions rising and the United States on high alert for our adversaries leveraging military expansion, it is critically important to streamline intelligence sharing between government bodies. The Container Missile Notification Act will meaningfully expand Congress’ access to essential information and ensure that we are notified of the deployment of containerized missile systems not just from Russia, but from other antagonistic nations including China, Iran, and North Korea who seek to disguise these missile systems to move them without our knowledge. I’m grateful to Rep. Fallon for his help introducing this bipartisan bill, and I hope to see it move swiftly through the legislative process to become law.”